“My preference is to buy vintage clothes, as they tend to have more soul in them than new items. The connection with a piece is important for me. I buy a lot online and it does happen that the item I ordered, although it is beautiful, does not give me a good feeling. If the click is not there, I resell. I love Chanel jackets and usually have one or multiple of them in my wardrobe. The jacket I purchased at KERN1 was a vintage black one with white trim. A typical Chanel jacket. I wore it many times and also used it in photoshoots for my brand Artipoppe (baby wraps). In 2017 I decided to pass it on to a dear friend of mine. She loved it and it felt okay for me to let it go, as it was a bit too long for me in the end. Now I am on the search for a new classic little black jacket, or a white one.”