The Audo x KERN1

On the 20th and 21st of September 2019 The Audo in Copenhagen hosted the first Kern1 international pre-owned Chanel jackets pop-up.

The Audo is a hybrid space in Denmark facilitating and celebrating human interaction and connection, as well as artistic expression. It is a hotel, residence, restaurant, café, concept store and library all at once. The Audo actively provides an international meeting place for creative individuals to share ideas. At The Audo x KERN1 pop-up a cherrypicked selection of pre-owned Chanel jackets was presented. All were invited to attend a short introduction by Tami, KERN1’s founder, about the phenomenon of the Chanel jacket and to come see, try and shop the jackets. This pop-up was an opportunity to meet and share stories with similar-minded design enthusiasts from another country. Thank you to The Audo team for this unforgettable experience.